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3' 2" (38") Pure Fun Mini Trampoline

3ft 2in (38in) Pure Fun Mini Trampoline
MSRP: $89.99
Our Price: Out Of Stock
Part Number: PF-38M

Pure Fun 38" Mini Rebounder Trampoline

If you are looking for a low-impact way to get a great aerobic workout, the Pure Fun 38" Mini Rebounder Trampoline is the perfect solution. Rebound training has been proven to increase bone density, detoxify the lymphatic system, increase balance and coordination, as well as strengthen and tone the body's core muscles. Unlike other traditional exercises, workouts on a mini rebounder trampoline are fun and unique. Featuring a 38" wide platform, this trampoline is designed to prevent falls and injuries associated with smaller platform trampolines. The cushioned exterior trampoline pad is an additional barrier to prevent injury while getting fit. Each trampoline contains 36 high-tension springs, making it sturdy and durable. The superior construction ensures you get a good cardiovascular workout, regardless of how much space you have available. Best of all, this trampoline can be assembled in five minutes or less! Mini rebounder trampolines are great for progressive exercise routines because they are gentle on the joints. With a number of routines available, you will never get bored and will stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

  • Cusioned spring pad for extra safety
  • Easy Assembly
  • 36 High Tension Springs
  • 38" Platform for extra stability
  • Weight Limit: 250 lbs
  • Age: 13+

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Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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