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Harvest Right Freeze Dryer

HarvestRight Freeze Dryer


Home Freeze Dryer: Shipping Is Included!

The best Home Freeze Dryer by HarvestRight gives you the quality of commercial freeze dried foods. Great for emergency food supplies, camping meals and healthy snacks. Traveling with freeze dried foods is compact,light weight and convenient when stored in sealed Mylar bags. Freeze drying does not shrink or toughen the food and retains flavor, color and nutrition, unlike other methods of food preservation.

A Small, Medium and Large Home Harvest Right freeze dryer in your home makes it fun and easy when you have your own garden. Most gardeners have more produce than they can sell, give away, consume, do canning and a Freeze Dryer allows you to preserve all your efforts. Also makes for great gifts all year round.

1 Freeze Dryer
1 Standard Vacuum Pump (requires oil & maintenance)
Vacuum Pump Oil (enough for 1 or 2 batch / cycles)
Oil Filter for Vacuum Pump
Stainless Steel Food Trays
Guide to Freeze Drying
Mylar bags (50 qty.)
Oxygen Absorbers (50 qty.)
Impulse Heat Sealer

If your budget allow, before purchasing the Freeze Dryer, check out our OIL FREE VACUUM PUMP. No oil to purchase, no spills, no delays, no oil pan cleaning and no maintenance. It is also much quieter and faster and easier to use. If you prefer it over the standard pump is offered as an option to buy, when you make your size and color choices.

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Shipping is included on most products over $25.01 unless otherwise specified.  If additional shipping is required you will be contacted by a sales rep.

Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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