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Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter

Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter
Razor Jr. Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter


Razor Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter
The Razor Folding Kiddie Kick Scooter is a great addition to the scooter family for smaller kids who aren't quite tall enough for the regular scooters. These folding scooters make them great for traveling. The slip resistant deck keeps kids safe by cutting down the chances of falling. A 3 wheel design adds extra protection while kids are still learning to keep their balance.

-Weight is 6.5 lbs.
-22″ x 11″ x 25.5″

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Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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