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15' Round Trampoline USA MADE Frame Pad - Deluxe

Red Trampoline Pad
Red Trampoline PadBlue Trampoline PadPink Trampoline PadFlag Trampoline PadTeal Trampoline PadGray Trampoline PadCamo Trampoline PadYellow Trampoline PadPurple Trampoline PadOrange Trampoline PadCharcoal Trampoline PadLime Green Trampoline PadRocket Red Trampoline PadHunter Green Trampoline PadGlow Green Trampoline Pad
Our Price: Starting at $189.00


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Made In USA

Deluxe Trampoline Pad Quality: Our Best!

  • 1" Thick foam
  • 10" or 12" Wide
  • 3" Skirt (hangs over frame)
  • 14 oz. vinyl, 1" polyethylene closed cell foam
  • Bungee straps wrap and tie to the frame
  • Pads come in a choice of colors. (IF..there is a choice for GLOW GREEN...that vinyl will "GLOW" if placed under a "blacklight". Sometimes, families will put out party lights with blacklight bulbs around the trampoline at night...then turn off the light and have a short fun time with "glow in the dark" pads. This product does cost extra.)
  • Made in USA
  • 1 year warranty against dry-rot and becoming unstitched
  • No warranty for damage done to the pad due to improper installation or use
  • No warranty against color fading
  • Warranty info must be filled out and sent in


The pad is a protection in case someone lands too close to the frame
  1. Don't Let ANYONE sit/stand on or play with the trampoline frame pads. The pressure of someone sitting or standing on the trampoline pad while someone else jumps will cause the spring action underneath to rub/cut through the vinyl.
  2. Don't use any chemicals such as Armor All on your trampoline frame pads. You can purchase a vinyl cleaner/conditioner to clean and keep from drying out the vinyl during the hotter months.
  3. Don't tie your trampoline pads too tight. Strong winds can pull up the pads and therefore pull out the straps if tied too tightly.
  4. If you have a trampoline enclosure, lift up the skirt where the pole is or cut out the skirt area at the pole. If the pole lays against the skirt there will be too much strain on the pads and can cause the skirt seam to rip.
  5. Keep all animals away from the trampoline. Something about the trampoline pad the dogs find very appealing (our # 1 Complaint). My dog ate my trampoline pads. Seriously!!

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Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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