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Trampoline Spring - 3.25" - Set of 6

Our Price: Out Of Stock
Part Number: TS3.25-6
The "Classic" rebounder utilizes a 3.25" (hook to hook) spring. All coils are approximately .75" in diameter.
The jump mat is approximately 30.5" in diameter.

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(25 Ratings, 1 Review) Average Rating:
Better than the original
Amy (Indiana) 2/5/2014 3:39 PM
Skywalker Holdings suggested I contact this company after requesting spring replacements for my 42Jog trampoline that is used several hours a day and had 7 broken springs. The springs arrived and proved to be more robust than the original springs. It did take a moment to figure out how to get them on as the opening is smaller than the original, but once I did all I can say is that we can use the trampoline again and I feel this is a safer alternative. With the extra springs and 2 42Jog trampolines I don't think I'll need to worry about missing springs for a very long time!
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Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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