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We offer a TIME TESTED product with a proven warranty.  In the event that you experience any problems, please consult the following warranty for the details on servicing your rebounder.

Frame and frame hinges three (3) years

Mat two (2) years

All other parts one (1) year

It is normal for springs to need occasional replacement. However, if needed, we will provide replacement springs for your Needak® rebounder FREE (Less shipping and handling) for the stated period from the date of its purchase.

This warranty is extended to the original purchaser only. It is valid as long as the user’s weight is not in excess of 300 pounds. Any and all other guarantees or warranties expressed, implied, written, or otherwise stated will not be recognized by NEEDAK® MFG.

While every attempt is made to include the highest degree of protection in all equipment, we cannot, unfortunately, guarantee freedom from injury. The user assumes all risk of injury due to use. All merchandise is sold on this condition.

Additional Information

There are NO RETURNS without prior authorization. If you should have a claim, contact us via:
Email  or
Customer Service: 1-800-872-6765

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Shipping is included on most products over $25.01 unless otherwise specified.  If additional shipping is required you will be contacted by a sales rep.

Trampolines U.S.A., Inc., Trampolines, Orange, TX

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